
The most inexhaustible, sublime, tender, and infinitely thorny subject for creativity is the theme of love. All poets of the world wrote, write and will write about this immense, marvelous, and deep feeling - poems, sonnets, dedications. And I'm one of them, who is trying to learn and understand my own self in the vast ocean of human happiness and misery, which name is love




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I let from heavens my dream fall



I let from heavens my dream fall.

So earthly my desire was

That I your beauty with caress

Laid low. Charming amulet.


Of yours it’s been. No more to say

Of love confessions, nor to hold

So dear happiness that passed, -

These I won’t venture: that’s my lot.


My passion no forgiveness gets.

My spirit high was sunk by it.

But spirit mine will be restored:

Love’s vicious circle I’ll destroy.


No persuasions, arguments

Will win me: none can past amend.

And none in verse, in song and lay

Will sing the starry Milky Way


Which shines on shores of faraway

Where you my constellated dream.

In heart I monument erect, -

Immortal beauty consecrate.






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