
The most inexhaustible, sublime, tender, and infinitely thorny subject for creativity is the theme of love. All poets of the world wrote, write and will write about this immense, marvelous, and deep feeling - poems, sonnets, dedications. And I'm one of them, who is trying to learn and understand my own self in the vast ocean of human happiness and misery, which name is love




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I’ve missed my darling endless daysу


I’ve missed my darling endless days:

My heart is truly weeping woe.

And I resent, a grudge her owe

And call by night: Oh, please, come back!


I seek, I miss forgotten pleasures:

Your image gloat on, caress.

But it’s been ghost, vain impress

That stole my rest, disturbed my dream.


I wish a blessed day would come

When you, my love, to me return.

The parting wounds smart, hurt and burn

Cold-hearted time – my sour balm.


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