Briefly about myself...........
Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov Composer, poet, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, President of the International Association "Peace Through Culture", Co-Chair of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture. From October 31, 2012-November 13, 2014 - Director of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Astana Opera”. President of the International Non-Governmental Foundation “Congress of Spiritual Concord”, President of the Kazakhstan Karate Federation “Shinkiokushinkay Kazakhstan”, President of the “Association of Kazakhstan fireworks”. Tolegen Mukhamejanov is married and has 4 children. His wife is Nurzhamal Usenbayeva, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Tolegen Mukhamejanov on the internet
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What did you like more?
Music - is the flavour of the childhood! May/June 2011. A few words about Tolegen Mukhamejanov in french electronic press. 10th of May, 2011. |
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