My thoughts
"Know yourself and you will know the mankind".
What did you like more?
Looking back at the past and going through the present, one comes to think that it is possible to rewrite the history, but it is impossible to sponge out the memory of it.
It is difficult to distinguish the present in everyday life, to notice what is going on around you every day, every hour, every minute. To do it you need to stop and think.
The truth is a double-edged weapon, there is no verity there, it is above.
A man lengthens or shortens his life by his actions and deeds.
The dialogue without an earnest desire to understand each other changes into a pointless discussion or sometimes even a conflict.
A simple man’s stupidity can be a ridiculous farce; a ruler’s stupidity becomes tragedy for the people and state.
Any natural disaster is a boomerang thrown by a man.
We need to love the world around as a great God-given gift.
Roads as litmus paper indicate all shortcomings and values of the state.
The light of flame is lovely; the light of fire is dreadful.
God has created lots of languages for people, but He has left music for himself.
A striving to jump beyond one’s possibilities always ends in a fiasco.
A thief first steals his own conscience and honor and only then he becomes a thief.
![]() All predictions in regard to anticipation of inevitability of the reckoning day come from the Father of lies, since the World is ever being.
The time and descendants alone determine the true value of human deeds.
![]() Do not ask for what you need, give other people what they need and you will know the virtue.
Eyes, reflecting the world, express the inner world of a man, his life journey, thoughts and feelings.
Open your heart to a prayer and you will hear God.
A lake without a source turns into a swamp; a man without education and knowledge co-opts any thing.
Work for the benefit of other people is the highest acknowledgement for a man.
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